Discover the difference at Bodyworks
We have the best instructors
Think you know what Chiropractic care is? Think again – let us show you the difference.
Chiropractic Care at Bodyworks is not:
– A membership-based care program
-A quick 5 minute treatment, with the same predictable adjustments time after time
– Treatment is not based on false promises to heal issues in the body that cannot be reversed such as degenerative joint and disc disease which is a form of osteoarthritis. We treat symptoms not diseases!
Instead, Expect:
Personalized and thorough treatments with evidence-based care. Treatments that are patient-driven based on YOUR preferences for treatment! Throughout your existing treatment plan, you will also have the ability to address any other concerns in follow-up treatments.
Your Initial Assessment:
Your first chiropractic appointment will be 45 minutes long. During this appointment, you and the chiropractor will go through and discuss your current complaints and health history. After, will follow a tailored physical exam to narrow down problematic areas and specific regions to focus on during treatment. A diagnosis and treatment plan will be discussed and agreed upon with treatment included in your first visit. If you are new to chiropractor care, your chiropractor will take the time to educate you, de-bunk any chiropractic myths, and answer any questions you may have.
Follow-up visits:
A follow up visit may be recommended by your chiropractor. Most follow-up appointments are 15minutes long, however our chiropractors do offer extended 30minute visits if your care requires a bit more of our time. Just like with massage, our goal is to get you feeling better as soon as possible. This for some people, may mean ongoing treatment, or treatment as needed- whenever you feel you need our help. Our primary goal is to get you better as soon as possible.
What to wear?
It’s best to show up to your chiropractic appointments wearing comfortable, non-restrictive clothing, that allow your chiropractor to freely move and visualize your joints. If any x-rays are needed to rule out other causes of pain, your chiropractor can write you a requisition at the time of the appointment.
Meet our Chiropractors today! See our bio page to read more about; Dr. Graeme Copeland & Dr. Justine Rodrigues